Curated by Emmanuelle Waeckerlé, inspired by Donna Haraway’s notion of collective creation and organisation: ‘sympoiesis is a simple word; it means “making-with”’ (Haraway, 2016: 58), with Iris Garrelfs and Tansy Spinks.
Programme: two solos and a duo where Tansy Spinks and Iris Garrelfs improvise and respond to place and location.
Ornamentik, Tom Phillips graphic score from 1973, Tansy Spinks (violin, voice)
Revisiting Monica Sjoo’s paintings as scores Lament for my Son and Meeting the Ancestors at Avebury, from her performance at the Sjoo Beaconsfield exhibition, August 2022, Tansy Spinks (violin live with recorded violin on headphones)
Washing Up, Iris Garrelfs (tin cans, bucket of water, voice)
Duo with speaking singing toy birds, voice with voice changer, violin and objects referencing local composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912) and his arrangement of Longfellow’s epic poem Hiawatha.
Event website Cosy Nook – Making With Vol.1